Have Any Questions?
Meyer 3D CBCT and 2D panoramic equipment


1. What is data output format?

The data is in the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) 3.0 format that enables compatibility in telecommunication and usage with other third-party software.

2. How much radiation does a patient receive from a full scan?

The proprietary mixed-pulse X-ray source enables dosage as low as 0.058 mSv in a full scan.

3. What is the detector equipped with Meyer 3D CBCT?

Meyer 3D CBCT has CMOS flat-panel detector with large surface and big dynamic range, which is manufactured by Hamamatsu Photonics in Japan.

4. Can Meyer 2D panoramic equipment be upgraded to 3D CBCT?

Yes. Meyer 2D panoramic equipment can be upgraded to 3D CBCT when required to meet clinical needs.

5. What are the major functions of Meyer 3D CBCT?

CBCT, Pano, Ceph, Part CT and Model Scanning